Do you wish to sell a single item or an entire collection on our Website? At Timeless-History we offer a great Network of Collectors and Dealer Partners worldwide that gives you a very high reach global for you Items as well as international promotion via Twitter and Instagram. We have more then 1000 customers and we are doing a large Update once per month with a 90% sale rate each Update!
Consignment conditions:
1) The duration of the consignment is minimum 120 days, starting from the date of the contract. If however the consignor would recall the items before these 120 days an administration fee will be charged of 10% per item.
2) If a consigned item is sold, the consignor will receive the sale price minus the consignment fee.
3) The payment of the consigned items will be in Euro, 30 days after the sale to respect our return policies regarding consignments.
4) Consignment fee (per item):
0-1000 euro: 25%
1001-2500 euro: 15%
2501 euro +: 10%
Interested? Please contact us:
[email protected]